LNP – SL ignores COVID; people warned against uncontrollable spreading: PHI head

As the current COVID situation in the country has been ignored, the dreaded virus is now spreading uncontrollably from the grassroots level, Public Health Inspectors (PHI) Union Head Upul Rohana said.

He said the disease has come under control to some extent due to the immunity created by the vaccination program. It can develop into a catastrophic situation at any time.

Most of the people who reported fever from rural areas were identified as COVID-positive cases. This COVID situation and the fever cases have not been considered by the Health Ministry and the government.

Therefore, the spread of the COVID-19 cases has increased without any control and from the grassroots level in society.

There is an increase of COVID-infected students in schools due to sending infected children to school.

Many social gatherings are now taking place without due attention being paid to any health guidelines or advice. If the COVID virus spreads again, the PHI union will take legal action against the organisers who organised such events.

One thought on “LNP – SL ignores COVID; people warned against uncontrollable spreading: PHI head

  • August 24, 2022 at 4:27 am

    Created the Economic Collapse by shutting down Country unnecessarily in 2019 – 2021 for long periods. Please get lost !! Economic virus will certainly kill more..


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