Moratuwa University team discusses electric car project with Minister

A team of student innovators of the University of Moratuwa together with their academic advisers met Minister Dr. Sarath Amunugama yesterday at his Ministry office, to seek support for their project.

This project is to develop a prototype of a single seat electric racing car to be submitted at an international competition to be held in Germany in August this year. The car is to be entirely designed and manufactured by the team of undergraduates involved.

The team consists of undergraduates from the mechanical engineering, electronics and telecommunication engineering departments of the Moratuwa University. This is the first time Sri Lanka is participating in this competition.

The minister expressed his appreciation of the initiative of the student group. He said that encouraging and promoting innovations right up to their commercialization and utilization in actual work was essential for the development of the country and that it was his policy to do so, as Minister in charge of the subject of research. He said therefore he will support ventures like the one the students were engaged in and where necessary even help to secure funds for such initiatives. He hoped that the technological talents displayed in participating in international competitions that will bring credit to the country will also be used in creating innovations that will advance the country’s development effort

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