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LNP – Number of students in classrooms must be limited: Health officials

With COVID infections among school children on the rise, the number of students in a classroom should be limited, health officials stressed.

Upul Rohana, Head of the Public Health Inspectors’ Union of Sri Lanka said the authorities should pay immediate attention to the matter and take actions accordingly.

“At present, COVID-19 is rapidly spreading among schoolchildren and if it continues to happen, the education system could be at stake,” he warned.

“Classrooms across the country have limited capacities. Besides, most of the classrooms are enclosed with little ventilation. As we all know, COIVD spreads rapidly in a closed environment,”

Thus, he said children find it difficult to physically maintain the social distancing in classroom where the capacity is limited.

“Accordingly, this will pave the way for COVID cluster formation in classrooms when one student gets infected with the virus,” he underscored.

Moreover, Rohana said a considerable number of children had tested positive in the Nuwara Eliya district.

”It is of utmost importance that this situation is nipped in the bud before it exacerbates leading to closure of schools,” he stressed.

“Thus, we request authorities to take immediate steps to summon limited number of students to schools,” he added.

Tyronne Jayamanne

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  • U.K has set precedence by withdrawing all restrictions on Covid. Our buses, trains, Portcity, Galleface etc., more prone to spread any viruses than class rooms. Why not follow U.K .