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LNP – Yatārthaya Of A Virtuous Society

The Executive President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has set a new precedence by inviting public officials to his office and publicly reprimanding them under wide media scrutiny highlighting to the nation that aggression and oppression are the key features to implement the Presidential Task Force to build a Secure Country, Disciplined, Virtuous and Lawful Society in accordance with the powers vested in him by Article 33 of the Constitution – hallelujah!


I am the Co-convener of ‘Jathika Handa’, an independent Civil Society Organization that hosts ‘Yatharthya,’ a nontraditionaltrilingual political show, presenting the first time candidates of the forthcoming General Election to highlight the knowledge, honesty, responsibility and accountability of the new generation of politicians that we should vote for. The three professional females who moderate ‘Yatharthaya’ are Soraya Marikkar Deen, Lawyer and International Award Winning Activist, Manu Tissera, Communications and Advocacy Specialist and I, Physician and Women’s and Children’s Rights Activist. Â

The guests on the special episode of ‘Yatharthaya’ on 27th June 2020 were four nominees of the National lists of the leading parties – Ali Sabry, PC  (SLPP), Dr Harini Amarasuriya (JJB), Dr Mahim Mendis (SJB) and Dr Rohan Pallewatte (JSP).

I respect Sabry, whose family I know well, for his sensitivity on issues relating to children and injustice. However, I was shocked by his outburst during the show and his unapologetic behavior that has left me utterly disillusioned about the accountability of a Parliamentarian and hope this will clear the cobwebs for those who have appealed to me for clarification. I reiterate, this is NOT a personal vendetta against Sabry but a true reflection of the expectations of the citizenry, which I represent.
